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Return to Work Support Services

Return to Work plans

Studies show the longer someone is off work, the less likely he or she is to ever return.  Therefore, Peak Kinesiology is committed to providing every appropriate resource to help injured workers recover and return to work as soon as possible. Getting back on the job helps injured workers recover faster and regain their independence.

What Is a Return to Work Plan?

Principles of Return to Work Planning:

  • The workplace has a strong commitment to health and safety, which is demonstrated by the behaviors of the workplace parties.
  • The employer makes an offer of modified work (also known as work accommodation) to injured/ill workers so they can return early and safely to work activities suitable to their abilities.
  • Return to Work planners ensure that the plan supports the returning worker without disadvantaging co-workers and supervisors.
  • Supervisors are trained in work disability prevention and included in Return to Work planning.
  • The employer makes early and considerate contact with injured workers.
  • Someone has the responsibility to coordinate return-to-work planning.
  • Employers and health-care providers communicate with each other about workplace demands as needed and with the worker’s consent.


Peak Kinesiology can assist employers with their injured workers’ return to work plan.  A Peak kinesiologist will design, implement, and monitor a graduated return to work (GRTW) plan for the worker, following confirmation of the physical demands of the job and the worker’s current limitations. Contact us today to see how we can assist your worker in a successful and durable return to work. Injuries may be occupational or non-occupational.

A successful GRTW plan will:

  • Allow a skilled and experienced worker to continue as a valuable resource to the company i.e. perform meaningful work
  • Keeps loss of productivity to a minimum
  • Reduce the costs of finding and retaining new workers
  • Ensures communication between the employer and the worker
  • Reduces the risk of similar injuries, once the hazards that caused the injury are identified and controlled
  • Maintains the morale of the workforce
  • Reduces claims cost which can reduce workers’ compensation premiums



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